The Material Handling Blog

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Understanding Host System Integration with Exacta Intralogistics Software

August 07, 2018
Integrating supply chain software may seem intimidating, but with the help of our experts and a good software package such as Exacta, connecting your host software system to your automated material handling system is easy.

Understanding Host System Integration with Exacta Intralogistics Software

August 07, 2018
Integrating supply chain software may seem intimidating, but with the help of our experts and a good software package such as Exacta, connecting your host software system to your automated material handling system is easy.

Automated Order Routing: A Keystone of Your Warehouse Control System

February 16, 2018
From intelligent modules, to proactive monitoring, and complete data visibility into your operations; Automated Order Routing is a software system that will be the keystone to holding your entire operation together. Read: Automated Order Routing Defined

A Supply Chain Software Comparison: WMS vs. WCS vs. WES

June 07, 2017
The evolution of supply chain management has introduced a new breed of supply chain software, but what are the differences between the "big three"? Let's examine the functionality of WMS, WCS, and WES. Read: A Supply Chain Software Comparison: WMS vs. WCS vs. WES

The New Differentiator in Warehouse Software Isn't New

July 02, 2013
In the past, warehouse and distribution products fell into two camps--material handling equipment and warehouse software. However, companies soon found it advantageous to offer both, allowing them to implement end-to-end warehouse systems for their customers.

What You Should Expect From a Warehouse Control System

May 21, 2013
Making the move to automate warehouse processes and operations is no small decision. Not to mention that choosing the type of automation, and how much of it you plan to install, can significantly affect the success of the project. There are many factors to consider and...
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

